• Нова поліклініка

    Street Mykhayla Kotsubynskogo, tel. 0 (98) 737-53... show
    Street Mykhayla Kotsubynskogo, tel. +380(98)737-53-99 more
    Clinics Нова поліклініка located in Lutsk, Street Mykhayla Kotsubynskogo. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 08:00 to 19:00.
  • Blahomed

    Avenue Voli, tel. 332770809380... show
    Avenue Voli, 17а, tel. 380332770809380 more
    Clinics Blahomed located in Lutsk, Avenue Voli. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 07:30 to 20:00.
  • Beauty art

    Street Потапова, tel. 0 (95) 767-15... show
    Street Потапова, tel. +380(95)767-15-07 more
    Clinics Beauty art located in Lutsk, Street Потапова. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 08:00 to 20:00.
  • Center for Prevention and Control of AIDS

    Lutsk, Street Shevchenka, tel. 0 (33) 274-73... show
    Lutsk, Street Shevchenka, 30, tel. +380(33)274-73-84 more
    Clinics Center for Prevention and Control of AIDS located in Lutsk, Street Shevchenka.
  • Lutsk Centre of Primary Health Care #2

    Avenue Vidrodzhennya, tel. 0 (33) 225-13... show
    Avenue Vidrodzhennya, 13, tel. +380(33)225-13-01 more
    Clinics Lutsk Centre of Primary Health Care #2 located in Lutsk, Avenue Vidrodzhennya.
  • Клініка алергії та кашлю

    Street Shevchenka, tel. 0 (50) 070-01... show
    Street Shevchenka, tel. +380(50)070-01-17 more
    Clinics Клініка алергії та кашлю located in Lutsk, Street Shevchenka.
  • Dr. Tsyukh Clinic

    Street Kovelska, tel. 0 (95) 529-84... show
    Street Kovelska, 16, tel. +380(95)529-84-82 more
    Clinics Dr. Tsyukh Clinic located in Lutsk, Street Kovelska. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 08:00 to 18:00.
  • Ваш лікар

    Street Сенатора, tel. 0 (33) 272-14... show
    Street Сенатора, tel. +380(33)272-14-49 more
    Clinics Ваш лікар located in Lutsk, Street Сенатора.
  • Eye surgery center

    Avenue Президента Грушевського, tel. 0 (33) 277-00... show
    Avenue Президента Грушевського, tel. +380(33)277-00-88 more
    Clinics Eye surgery center located in Lutsk, Avenue Президента Грушевського. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 09:00 to 19:00.
  • Lutsk City Children's Clinic

    Lutsk, Street Vycheslava Chornovola, tel. 0 (33) 225-70... show
    Lutsk, Street Vycheslava Chornovola, 1, tel. +380(33)225-70-03 more
    Clinics Lutsk City Children's Clinic located in Lutsk, Street Vycheslava Chornovola. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 08:00 to 20:00.
  • Branch of the Regional Children's Clinical Hospital

    Avenue Vidrodzhennya, tel.
    Avenue Vidrodzhennya, 30more
    Clinics Branch of the Regional Children's Clinical Hospital located in Lutsk, Avenue Vidrodzhennya.
  • АЗПСМ №4

    Street Striletska, tel.
    Street Striletska, 37more
    Clinics АЗПСМ №4 located in Lutsk, Street Striletska.
  • Жіноча консультація

    Street Hulaka-Artemovskoho, tel.
    Street Hulaka-Artemovskoho, 18more
    Clinics Жіноча консультація located in Lutsk, Street Hulaka-Artemovskoho.
  • Клініка сімейної медицини "Біхелсі"

    Lutsk, Street Dekabrystiv, tel.
    Lutsk, Street Dekabrystivmore
    Clinics Клініка сімейної медицини "Біхелсі" located in Lutsk, Street Dekabrystiv.
  • Городская поликлиника № 1

    Lutsk, Avenue Voli, tel.
    Lutsk, Avenue Voli, проспектmore
    Clinics Городская поликлиника № 1 located in Lutsk, Avenue Voli.
  • Центр хірургії ока

    Lutsk, Avenue Президента Грушевського, tel.
    Lutsk, Avenue Президента Грушевськогоmore
    Clinics Центр хірургії ока located in Lutsk, Avenue Президента Грушевського.
  • Поліклініка Волинської обласної лікарні

    , tel.
    , 18more
    Clinics Поліклініка Волинської обласної лікарні located in Lutsk, . Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 08:00 to 16:00.
  • Поликлиника № 3

    Lutsk, Street Borovykovskogo, tel.
    Lutsk, Street Borovykovskogo, вулицяmore
    Clinics Поликлиника № 3 located in Lutsk, Street Borovykovskogo.
  • Clinic

    Street Черчицкая, tel.
    Street Черчицкая, черчицькаmore
    Clinics Clinic located in Lutsk, Street Черчицкая.
  • Lutsk Clinic for Children

    Avenue Voli, tel.
    Avenue Voli, 3аmore
    Clinics Lutsk Clinic for Children located in Lutsk, Avenue Voli.
  • Perinatal Center

    Lutsk, Street Zahorodnya, tel.
    Lutsk, Street Zahorodnya, 30more
    Clinics Perinatal Center located in Lutsk, Street Zahorodnya.
  • Clinics

    Lutsk, Street Kafedralna, tel.
    Lutsk, Street Kafedralnamore
    Clinics located in Lutsk, Street Kafedralna.
  • Волинський обласний центр екстреної медичної допомоги і медицини катастроф №1

    Street Slovatskoho, tel.
    Street Slovatskoho, 28more
    Clinics Волинський обласний центр екстреної медичної допомоги і медицини катастроф №1 located in Lutsk, Street Slovatskoho.
  • Yana

    Street Теремнівська, tel.
    Street Теремнівськаmore
    Clinics Yana located in Lutsk, Street Теремнівська.
  • Clinics

    Lutsk, , tel.
    Lutsk, more
    Clinics located in Lutsk, .

A brief overview of clinics in Lutsk (Volyn Oblast)

Here on this page is collected information about clinics, located in Lutsk (Volyn Oblast). Locator knows about 25 clinics near this place among them Нова поліклініка, Blahomed, Beauty art and other , which are located on st. Mykhayla Kotsubynskogo, ave. Voli, st. Потапова and other streets near. Here you will find the exact addresses, location map, ☎️ telephones, working hours, reviews about these clinics.

  • How many clinics in Lutsk?

    According to Locator data in Lutsk operates 25 clinics.

  • Which clinics are best in Lutsk?

    Locator recommends to visit the following clinics in Lutsk: Нова поліклініка, Blahomed, Beauty art.

  • Where are the nearest clinics in Lutsk to me?

    To find out which clinics is closest to you, go to the Clinics in Lutsk page and bring the Locator map closer to your location or click on the geolocation icon in the map control unit at the bottom right.

  • What are the prices for clinics services in Lutsk?

    Prices for clinics services in Lutsk depend on the specific service and clinics. Locator allows all clinics to specify prices for their services. To find out about them, go to the link on the service page or see the prices on the specific clinics page.

  • Which clinics services in Lutsk are better to use?⭐

    We recommend that you contact clinics, which has a high rating according to Locator: Нова поліклініка, Blahomed, Beauty art.

  • How to contact these clinics?

    You can see the contacts for communication with these clinics pharmacies by going to their page. Locator provides the opportunity to contact by phone, email, Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram and through internal messages on the site Locator.

Clinics in Lutsk

More popular services in rubric:

pediatric neurologist, urologist